A process piece and some crate designs from a cancelled project.

Some illustrational concepts I did for a TTRPG Kickstarter in the Mothership setting. Tools as weapons, weapons as tools.

Process GIF for fun.

The cavalry arrives! Exploring the aesthetic and idea space between classic anime and military shooters.

A variety of heavy weapon concepts undertaken as a group study of the applied semiotics of heavy weapon design i.e., how do I communicate 'weapon-ness' in a way that is both interesting and inherently easy to grasp for the player?

1: Conventional in design but exploring a more elaborate muzzle brake design that could telegraph either a slow ROF or a reload underway.

2: Inquiring if something can feel like a gun if it has no real barrel. Liked the idea of an energy weapon that used a physical projectile to create an initial plasma beam.

3: Somewhat conventional but exploring the use of construction yellow to communicate 'open me' to the player.

4: Again playing with the idea of mixing elements of both ballistic and energy weapons.

Some exploration of semi-exotic human scale weapons as a sort of adjunct to my earlier heavy weapon concepts done along similar lines of thought. Attempting to mix good read as weapons with somewhat bizarre effects while not entering into the realm of the magical. Grounded absurdity, maybe.

1: Needs a sling. Possibly a coil gun. Potentially interesting reload animation and manual of arms.

2: Mostly interesting for a sense of negative space that suggests attaching other forms. Might explore the idea further elsewhere.

3: Cumbersome energy weapon with a non-line of sight effect. Engine like.

4: Possibly a net launcher or line thrower. Very un-weaponish shapes and colors but seeing what could be achieved with human affordances and a sense of directionality.

Initial sketch of the heavy weapon designs to give some insight into technique and process. Some things have changed in the final version.

Space fighter with certain retro elements inspired by the Raiden arcade game.

Underside details of the space fighter seeking to alloy the retro look with more aggressive details.

3d and photobash scene of the ultimate speed trap.

Geo only, lit by the Arnold sky in 3ds Max.

Base model.

Concept and prototype game model of player mech for GALAHAD 3093. Weapon arms are modular and not part of the initial concept.

Concept for a variable burst fire rocket pod weapon for GALAHAD 3093. Gameplay and read issues shaped our thinking into something a little unusual while not seeming too alien.

Initial concepts for a high/variable burst damage weapon with a long reload were more conventional but failed to either read well from the cockpit or telegraph their reload to enemies.

In the next round of thumbnails we went with something big and boxy with a certain sleight of hand as to reload.

Being able to model and animate the final design was invaluable for communicating its operation to stakeholders.

Mining vehicles.

Concept for a 30mm weapon adapted for use by power armor and emplaced infantry. 3ds Max and Substance. Obviously not portable by non-augmented infantry.

Original 2d concept. Looking at Gundam weapons and thinking about how human scale forms would be scaled up in a more photoreal style. Stampings become cut, bent, and welded plates etc.

Dust cover/ejection animation.

Barrel change.

3d truck concept. 3ds Max and Redshift.